To remove the disconnect between people with problems and those that can solve them.
We are designers, we originate.
We are engineers, we adapt.
We are developers, we integrate.
To establish simplicity and clarity in representation, organisational development, and cultural orientation to the inevitable evolution of individuals and communities.
Dr. Danny Teal, BS, MFA, PhD and CEO, has more than 30 years of proven leadership in all phases of international strategic business development. His accomplishments include start-ups to spin-offs, outstanding achievements in sales, global research, communications, business and marketing intelligence, and analysis. Danny works with Royal families and ultra-high net worth (UHNWI) individuals in developing values-oriented solutions.
Troy Sadkowsky, BSc, BInfoTech, MBA, and CTO, is one of the world’s leading data science specialists. Troy is a pioneering data scientist that serves leading businesses, international governments, and research institutions globally. With more than 20 years’ experience in data integration solutions, Troy directs multiple mainstream data scientist consortiums. He is a specialist in establishing best practices for innovative concepts. Travelling the world as a digital nomad, Troy creates certain sensitivities toward data innovations that positively impact a sustainable future for the planet.